Have you heard or said the phrase “ I read in a blog post that…” You most likely must have said that or something similar to it. That is because they provide us with information. According to research after friends and family, the next trustworthy source of information we believe is the blog.
A blog is a website or page on a website where a blogger shares opinions or information in a conversational style about different topics across different niches. A company can leverage blog posts to generate more leads and improve brand's engagement with clients or customers. While as a blogger, you can monetize your blog using Google AdSense.
To run a successful blog, you need to know how to utilize other essential elements like colors, videos, links, and images within your blog post to aid readability and better conveyance of information. Imagine a plain blog post with just text or a disorganized blog layout that blog article will not be appealing to you no matter how superb the text is that also applies to your readers
12 Blog Post examples
Now you know what makes blog pages appealing to readers. Hence, the question is: What does a blog looks like, and how do you utilize those features in your blog page to drive traffic, engagement, and subscription? To answer that, we have compiled some of the best blog examples on the internet for you to draw inspiration from, and we will also discuss why these blogs are appealing. The blog below cuts across different industries and niches
1. WSJ Innovator Award

WSJ is a celebrity award magazine blog for entertainment awards. They share stories of awarded celebrities. As earlier mentioned, blogs are not mere texts alone. Some elements add to the readability of the write-up, and in the case of WSJ, the blog is as elegant and luxurious as the celebrities they write one. The use of video as the hero scene is brilliant! It engages the target reader or watcher. Asides video, the images and color choice (black and white) give the blog a sophisticated appeal.
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2. Papas coffee

We mentioned earlier that businesses can leverage blog posts to boost engagement, generate new leads, and earn more. Papas coffee is an example of a blog you can model after if you fall into that category. The blog is appealing due to the use of hero banners on each of the blog pages to capture what the blog is about, and the use of white space aids text readability. Lastly, the static orange color menu bar makes navigation easy for the reader.
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3. Daine Guild

Here is a lifestyle and fashion blog with a minimalist design. The whole blog layout is well-structured and organized. The use of high-resolution photographs adds to the blog appeal. Also, it helps break the text, so it doesn't appeal overwhelming to read.
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4. Afterglo

Afterglo is a sex toy company that educates its target audience on the importance of self-care to promote its products. The blog captivates you with high-resolution motion pictures as its hero scene. The blog is clean and organized, making readability easy.
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5. The Salt Path

Here is an adventure blog post for hiking enthusiasts. The blog is a superb example because of its strategic use of images within the blog articles to convey the blogger's message effectively. Hence, enhancing readability
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6. Wellness journey

Wellness journey is a lifestyle blog that shares information about how to cater to our overall well-begin. The blog writing style is conversational, making the information easy to digest. In addition, the use of videos, images, and white spaces helps convey the blog information better.
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7. China Tourism

If you're interested in running a traveling blog, you can copy the things that make the china tourism blog stand out and apply it in your way.
China tourism blog is different because it welcomes the target audience with quality tourism images in an infinite slide show. While on the same homepage, an arrow facing down directs you to see blog posts about the history, places, foods, and other beautiful stuff the country tourism offers . Lastly, the font choice and nude color scheme make the text easy to read, and the writing style is conversational, like telling a friend about a destination you visited.
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8. Dr. Patrick Trevidic

The quality of images used in this blog website, font choice, motion text, and organization in this cosmetic & surgery blog gives it a luxury appeal. That sets a tone for nothing short of quality information. Hence, target audiences are most likely to believe the information provided in this blog.
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9. Pour la Familia

Pour la farm utilizes videos, moving text, and images to tell its ranch story. The sticky header is also there to ensure easy navigation.
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10. SS Gold Travel

That is a lifestyle blog on travels, shopping, food, and skincare tips. The cool color scheme and white spaces make the blog website clean and eye-catchy, giving it a luxurious and elegant vibe.
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11. Tried and True recipe

Tried and true food blog website captivates its audience with mouthwatering images of different food cuisine. There is nothing much going in terms of design, other than the creative positioning of the food images and content. Yet it manages to captivate its target audience.
Check out here
12. Kekelias

Kekelias is a professional blog about finance, and the blog style captures that. The blog design is minimal, clean, and organized, which appeals to target readers.
Check out here
Final note
And there you have it, the 12 best blog examples you can model your blog website after from personal blog examples to business blogs. However, we understand that website development or design might not be your thing, so we are happy to help you build your dream blog site with the help of our professional website developers. With their expertise, you'll get an exceptionally looking, traffic-driven and engaging blog site. Lastly, if you find this article helpful, share it with others who might need this. You can also share your tips for creating a converting blog.